Philippe Entremont Presents Beethoven from Munich

Daniel Ginsberg, Munich Symphony Makes Its Case for More Respect (Washington Post, October 24) |
In the 7th Symphony, Munich’s “Film Music Orchestra” (the MSO provides most soundtracks to films in Germany) found their way back to much of the quality they displayed in the overture. Basses, violas, and cellos were well coordinated and sonorous in the funereal Allegretto with its slow pulse. Then again, I was pretty much sitting in that section, which affected the balance of the experience. The concluding Allegro con brio suited the band: fast, loud, and in multitudes. If winds and brass were not the subtlest bunch, that did not keep the MSO from making a favorable impression. Those in the audience who were not looking for flaws but enjoyment instead had a very good time, judging from the enthusiastic applause and standing ovations after the rousing finale. The Munich players are not likely ever to have been so cheered in their hometown. They could not even play their encore on the first attempt. When they were able to do so, it continued the Beethoven theme with the Principal Guest Conductor and his players digging deep for a somber Egmont Overture, a very substantial treat with which the performers only further played themselves into their audience’s heart.

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