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Bayreuth on the Danube: The Budapest Wagner Days. Production Photos from Die Götterdämmerung 2019

The Chorus: Honvéd Male Choir (Honvéd Férfikar) & Hungarian Radio Choir (Magyar Rádió Énekkara)

From the third day of the 2019 Budapest Wagner Days come these pictures of Die Götterdämmerung. (See production pictures of Das Rheingold here, Die Walküre here, and Siegfried here - and the ClassicsToday review here.) If the Rheingold stunned with a (largely) no-name cast that was absolutely bona-fide world class (most especially Alberich, Loge, Mime, and Fasolt along with the established Wotan of Johan Reuter's), this most popular opera of the Ring boasted a cast with world class names that, happily, lived up to their billing. Stuart Skelton, Johan Reuter, Camilla Nylund, and especially Catherine Foster gave of their best.

Here is part two (of two) of my review on ClassicsToday: A Magnificent Budapest Ring, Part 2: Walküre, Siegfried, & Götterdämmerung
Here is part one of my review on ClassicsToday: A Magnificent Budapest Ring: Prelude and Rheingold

Below are loads of production photos from Die Götterdämmerung to go with that review (or titillate you all on their own.)

All pictures © Gábor Kotschy, courtesy Müpa Budapest

Siegfried (Stefan Vinke), Brünnhilde (Catherine Foster) & Hagen (Albert Pesendorfer)


Gunther (Vasar Lauri), Siegfried & Hagen

Gunther, Siegfried & Hagen + Orchestra

Gutrune (Polina Pasztircsák ♥) & Gunther

Siegfried & Gutrune

Hagen kills Siegfried

Hagen & Alberich & Nibelung gimps(Péter Kálmán)

Third Norn (Polina Pasztircsák ♥)

The Norns (#1: Judith Németh, #2 Erika Gál, #2 Polina Pasztircsák)

The Rhinemaidens (Eszter Wierdl [Woglinde], Gabriella Fodor [Wellgunde], Kálnay Zsófia [Flosshilde])



Ádám Fischer & Orchestra

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