
Tan Dun, «The Tears of Nature» with Martin Grubinger, Krzysztof Urbanski et al.


 Tan Dun, «The Tears of Nature»
Concert for Percussion and Orchestra (2012)

Martin Grubinger (percussion) / Wiener Symphoniker / Krzysztof Urbanski

Performed on Friday, April 25th, 2014 at the Grosser Saal of the Wiener Konzerthaus ¶


  1. These bits are very engaging. I hope the entire piece is. I wonder why Tan Dun has not yet been commissioned to write for a Hollywood blockbuster. I love the use of the screen on the right so that the percussionist does not have to strain to watch his colleagues up (almost) behind him. I also note that there are a few more girls in this orchestra. An odd thing is that the string players on the outside still turn pages. They are probably one of the two or three orchestras in the world which still do that.

  2. Tan Dun is so hit&miss, though... "Ghost Opera" a masterpiece... "First Emperor" complete, unredeemable shlock... the list goes on. But yes, this one is good fun, I think, too.
