
Dip Your Ears, No. 141 (Geordie Corelli)

available at Amazon
A.Corelli, 12 Violin Sonatas Op.5
The Avison Ensemble
Pavlo Beznosiuk (leader)
Linn 2 SACDs

Fiercely Baroque

“You request Corelli?”, my former boss at the radio station asked me with some disbelief over white sausage breakfast, eyeing this SACD release with the dozen Opus 5 Violin Sonatas sitting next to me. Yes, I do. And I was right on with this one! These are terrific performances by the Avison Ensemble (Pavlo Beznosiuk, Richard Tunnicliffe, Paula Chateauneauf, Roger Hamilton): vigorous, technically flawless, in superb detailed and properly resonant sound, with a continuo band that provides variety and texture. Not even the slow movements lull at all, in what turns out two entertaining hours of of late, not lesser baroque, that are sure to lift the spirit. This is the follow-up to the 2012 release of the op.6 Sonatas and it will be followed by the Chamber Sonatas (Opera 2 & 4) and the Church Sonatas (Opera 1 & 3) later this year, to both of which I am much looking forward.