
Chauvet Cave in 3D

The video above, Grotte Chauvet: La 3D remonte le temps, was linked in an article (La grotte Chauvet en 3D, June 6) in Le Figaro Magazine. It shows "unpublished images," renderings the of art made in the Chauvet cave some 36,000 years ago. A three-dimensional computer program was used to create a realistic depiction of what the drawings look like on the curving surface of the cave walls, the context that is very hard to explain or to show in photographs. I know from a visit to the Pech-Merle cave, one of the most mind-blowing artistic experiences of my life, that there is no way to explain the effect of seeing that artwork in its actual location, deep in the dark recesses of the earth.

1 comment:

  1. I could not get to the actual article in Le Figaro, due to their severe "access restrictions", but I take it this is related to the release of Werner Herzog's new movie, Cave of Forgotten Dreams, filmed in 3D on location in Chauvet. It's getting rave reviews and funny blurbs like "The last sentence I ever expected to hear was 'Let's go see the 3D Werner Herzog movie..' ". I think there are a few DC theaters showing it right now.
