
In Brief: Birthday Edition

Here is your regular Sunday selection of links to good things in Blogville and Beyond.
  • The Ross Sisters were not only good dancers and could sing in harmony: in this mind-blowing number (Solid Potato Salad, 1944) they bend in ways that do not seem possible for the human body. [Boing Boing]

  • The fallout at the Washington Times is even worse than initially feared. After a reshuffle of the editorial staff, staff cuts thought at first to be around 40% are now reported as closer to 70%, and the paper will move its headquarters from its well-appointed location on New York Avenue to less expensive digs. The paper no longer has a sports section, one of the best parts of its coverage, and another regrettable victim has been cultural reporting, including the classical music reviews of T. L. Ponick. Hang tough, Terry: we wish you all the best! [Washington Whispers]

  • "Founded on the belief that everything in life would be better with a little more Nic Cage, the most unique and versatile actor of his generation." With hat tip to Boing Boing, what can you make with Photoshop, an unbounded love for Nicolas Cage, and the Interwebs? [Nic Cage as Everyone]

  • Having children is a wild, wonderful ride: having children while leading an opera singer's career must be double so. Hearty congratulations to Anne-Carolyn Bird on her expected arrival. My advice? Take all the naps and see all the movies you can for the next few months. You will miss that. [Baby's First Opera]

  • Joyce DiDonato has some thoughts on her new recording project with Alan Curtis, Handel's Ariodante. We look forward to hearing it! [Yankee Diva]

  • Mary Daly finally managed to escape from the patriarchy. [Boing Boing]

  • Some nut in the Iranian government has claimed that literary prizes in Iran are secretly funded by the United States, in an attempt to undermine the government. [The Literary Saloon]


  1. And can we say just how, like, totally awesome Joyce Dee's Rossini album is!

  2. I don't get the tone and point of the article "Cunning American plot to subvert Iran uncovered ?" at all.

    It actually sounds like a *great* way of spending money to undermine the Iranian government. (If such were the plans of the US government or agencies thereof.) Cultural diplomacy of any sort, covert and overt, is very cost efficient. More-so: it sounds totally like what the US has been doing very effectively some 60 years ago and onward.

  3. An interesting point, Jens. Maybe the government official is not so crazy?
