
Ionarts Turns 5: State of the Blog

The improbable adventure of Ionarts began five years ago today. I thank all of the people, especially Jens, Mark, and Michael, who have put in a lot of time and work, without any real remuneration, to make Ionarts what it is. We thank all of you who read, comment, link to us, and have helped put Ionarts on the map.

The state of the blog is good, very good, and we continue to gain ground in all of those things bloggers care about. Ionarts has continued this year as one of the Top 10 Classical Music Blogs, according to several rankings:Who knows where this is all going, but for now we are content to sit back and enjoy the ride.


  1. Congratulations on your 5th! Well done!

  2. Congratulations to all of you. Ionarts is a model of good blogging, and I wouldn't be surprised if we are celebrating your 25th in years to come.

  3. Happy Birthday!

  4. Happy blog birthday! (Blirthday?)

    Ionarts has set the standard for great classical music blogging for years and best of luck for the next half-decade!

  5. hooray for ionarts! happy (belated) birthday!

    may your fondest birthday wishes come true....

  6. Your site is an exemplar both in its range of coverage and the unrivalled depth of articles.A continuing delight.I salute you!
