
In Brief: It's Summer Edition

Red WingsHere is your regular Sunday selection of links to good things in Blogville and Beyond -- just a couple days late.
  • Kriston Capps draws our attention to the case of an Australian photographer getting hassled by the government for nude pictures he took. To American ears, it all sounds eerily familiar. [grammar.police]

  • Anne Midgette has a dispatch from the Spoleto Festival in Charleston. The program did not seem like that much of a draw, compared to recent years, but it has possibilities. [Washington Post]

  • Matthew Guerrieri has just cornered all of the "Alma Mahler naked" traffic with this post on the legal dispute over Oskar Kokoschka's 1913 painting Two Nudes. The eponymous pair is Kokoschka and Alma. [Soho the Dog]

  • Someone is going to make an opera out of Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth .... ZZZZZZ .... (snort) oh, sorry, I fell asleep just telling you about it. [The Independent]

  • "Qu'est-ce que vous avez contre les tierces?" -- "Ça me fait gerper! Qu'est-ce que c'est que ces conneries là? Majeur, mineur? Mais c'est pour les dégénérés! Il y a un seul truc de valable: c'est juste, juste, juste, juste, juste, juste!" Follow the link for the subtitles. [The Rambler]


  1. Are the Red Wings a semi pro team?

  2. Wings rule! Great series, my body hurts just watching.

  3. Props to the Wings; tough luck about the Pistons (oops!)
