Swiss Cheese Lords
Ludwig Senfl, Missa L'homme armé, Te Deum, Suspicious Cheese Lords (2004) SCL-502 |
Senfl's music is not exactly unknown, but this release entirely dedicated to his polyphony is rare enough. According to Renaissance scholar Honey Meconi, who wrote the liner notes, all five works on this CD were recorded here for the first time. As with more than a few Renaissance composers, some of Senfl's music has not even been transcribed into modern editions yet. The discoveries include Senfl's contribution to the bewildering array of polyphonic Mass ordinaries based on the tune L'homme armé, this one in four voices and combining not only the famous secular song but also plainchant melodies. Adding up to approximately the same amount of time as the Mass setting are Senfl's settings of two crucial liturgical texts, the Te Deum (the festal and ancient melody sung at the end of solemn Vigils and on other solemn occasions, heard here in alternation with Senfl's polyphony) and Miserere mei deus (the first of David's penitential psalms, proper to this coming Sunday, the first Sunday of Lent, and other feasts).
Amplius lava me ab iniquitate mea et a peccato meo munda me. Quoniam iniquitatem meam ego cognosco, et peccatum meum contra me est semper. Wash me thoroughly of my wickedness and cleanse me of my sin. For I know my wickedness and my sin is always against me. |
Hear the Suspicious Cheese Lords sing the music of Jean Mouton for yourself, this Sunday (February 10, 4 pm), at Alexandria's Old Presbyterian Meeting House. The program also includes some pieces by Genet (Carpentras) and good old Ludwig Senfl. For those outside of Washington, the Lords will also take this program to Pittsburgh (February 15) and Cleveland (February 17). All of these concerts are free, with a good-will offering to be collected.
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