
In Brief: Gaudete Sunday

LinksHere is your regular Sunday selection of links to good things in Blogville and Beyond.
  • Marc Fisher does a regular feature on his Washington Post blog, profiling a local blogger. This week he wrote about something called Ionarts. Thanks, Marc! [Raw Fisher]

  • In case you haven't noticed, blogs have arrived. On Friday night, I noted that Tomás Hernández, in his always informative program notes for the concert series at the Library of Congress, quoted from an interview with Philip Setzer. From a blog. Congratulations, Cedric Westphal! [SFist]

  • Glyndebourne has engaged film director Sam Mendes to direct his first opera, Mozart's Don Giovanni, at the festival in 2010. [BBC]

  • One of my favorite museums in the world, the Galleria Borghese in Rome, has an exhibit on Canova right now, featuring their stunning Paolina Borghese as Venus Victrix. Roderick Conway Morris has a review. [International Herald Tribune]

  • Another reason to rejoice: Tim Page has returned from banishment (for a lamentable kerfuffle with Marion Barry's staffer). [Washington Post]

  • Experts think that there may be a cave of prehistoric art on the scale of Lascaux yet to be discovered -- not in France, but in England. [The Guardian]

  • The National Book Critics Circle sent an Ethics in Book Reviewing survey to its members. The responses to questions about blogging are fascinating, seeing as they come from powerful folks in the literary world. [The Literary Saloon]

  • La Cieca's pie charts analyzing reviews of the Met's War and Peace are a stitch. [Parterre Box, also here]

  • The late Karlheinz Stockhausen was reportedly busy up to the night before his death, managing to complete several scores, according to Tim Rutherford-Johnson. [The Rambler]

  • Speaking of Stockhausen, he and his one-time teacher, Olivier Messiaen -- both Catholic. And both Ionarts favorites. Not (only) because of the Catholic thing. [On an Overgrown Path]


  1. I was reading the, uh, blog post about your blog, when I came across this nugget:

    "So while Downey looks to broaden the blog's geographic scope, he expects that its content will remain heavily Washington-centric, which is good for those of us who have come to depend on its catholic interests and smart commentary."

    Catholic interests?! :)

  2. here used in the sense of "universal" - καθολικός - which is what it means.

    ...although surely not used without being a nod to its other meaning, either...

  3. There's a difference? It is called the Universal Church for a reason! ;-)

  4. I believe it was John Adams' initial draft of the First Amendment that read "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, except that of the Church of Rome; ..."

