
Ionarts Almost Old Enough to Get That New Bike

It happened originally on July 23, 2003. A friend -- Tom Hoffman, who writes Tuttle SVC and is very indulgent of my oversights -- explained what a blog was, and a guide at a technology seminar showed me how to use Blogger. Tom recommended reading blogs first, to see who was already writing about what one wanted to cover. Ionarts was born.

Four years later, we are bringing you reviews from around the United States and Europe. Next year, the world! Thanks to all of our readers, and to all the friends who have put so much into this enterprise, making Ionarts into what it is. All of that work is given with no compensation other than our eternal gratitude.


  1. Happy birthday dear ionarts! You're growing like a weed (a lovely one)

    Make a wish now, and blow!

  2. "A friend?" Don't I rate a link?

  3. You didn't want to remain anonymous? My wife has still not forgiven you for getting me into blogging.

    Link added.

  4. Ionarts is a terrific to DC's arts journalism. Good job, all!

  5. Joyeux anniversaire, les amis !

    Tanti auguri from vilaine fille

  6. Happy 4th blogiversary, and wishes for many more!
