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It's All Too Fast

Another week begins; it’s Monday morning. I don’t hear your hair dryer or the snapping of make-up kits. No one is coming down to breakfast, just me and the dogs.

Congratulations to Mark's daughter! And good luck on adjusting to an empty nest. -- CTD


roberta said...

congratulations, Mark! What a happy day! Lovely photo, too!

Mark Barry said...

It's not fair, she promised never to grow up. But it was a beautiful day, thanks.

libby said...

How can such a kid like you have such a grown-up girl??? Congratulations to you and Sandy, and to the graduate. Wooohooo

rb said...

Congratulations! it does look very beautiful

no caps and gowns?

ps. I'm sorry for your empty nest... it happens so suddenly doesn't it? you know it's coming but no amount of preparation makes being knocked off-balance easier

you'll adjust but you'll never get over it (it's happened to me twice, sniff)

Mark Barry said...

I have this "time machine", if I could only get it out of the box. And Libby, it's babies having babies, you know about that.
No, caps and gowns, rb, white dresses and bare footed, it was a beautiful day.