
The World Tunes to WRGW - 3

Classical Radio
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Bach - Herreweghe

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Handel - Manze, Egarr (limited Budget Version)

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Mahler - Boulez
The George Washington University radio station's WRGW classical segment continues tomorrow - Friday - at 10AM. On the program are Bach's Cantata "Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu Dir" BWV (in the glorious Philip Herreweghe recording that was Ionarts' favorite Cantata disc of the last two years) and Mahler's grand "Resurrection" Symphony No.2 in the version that Pierre Boulez recently recorded. Critics and listeners have been divided on its merits - and ClassicToday's David Hurwitz, whose Mahler reviews I generally cherish, did one of his 'profile-heightening' wack job's on this disc. (Usually the victim is Simon Rattle...) The review starts, characteristically, with this sentence: "The Vienna Philharmonic never has played Mahler particularly well, or with evident enthusiasm." I myself found almost everything splendid with this recording and interpretation. Listen for yourself tomorrow. Betwixt the Mahler and the Bach are a few Handel Violin Sonatas expertly played by Andrew Manze and Richard Egarr and available for $9 and less on an HMU special 'HMU Cataloge' budget issue.

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