
Birgit Nilsson Rides to Valhalla

Also on Ionarts:

Charles T. Downey, Renata Tebaldi Soars above Her Last Finale (December 20, 2004)

Charles T. Downey, Victoria de Los Angeles Dead at 81 (January 29, 2005)

Jens F. Laurson, Birgit Nilsson on Disc (January 15, 2006)
Someone whose voice will always mean Wagner to my ears (her Strauss was certainly impeccable, too), the renowned Swedish soprano Birgit Nilsson, died on Christmas Day at the age of 87. Tributes and appreciations are beginning to filter in now that the news has become public. Tim Page's appreciation (The Valkyrie Who Took Opera Fans on A Thrilling Ride, January 12) in the Washington Post and Bernard Holland's (Birgit Nilsson, Soprano Legend Who Tamed Wagner, Dies at 87, January 12) were both published today, and the news articles are overflowing in a Google search. We are mindful of Teresa Berganza's comment, asked to respond to the death of Victoria de Los Angeles, that "a whole epoch of singing is disappearing." La Cieca has the best blog tribute that I've seen.

I never had the chance to hear her sing live, but her sound on recordings is nothing short of wondrous, Isolde or Brünnhilde piercing through with clarion beauty no matter how powerful the orchestra. For some great pictures, see the slide show from the New York Times, where there are also some great audio clips. What a voice!

1 comment:

  1. Julia, gros merci de votre commentaire et du lien à l'autre site que vous avez cité! Je l'ai copié à l'article sur les marbres de Toulouse, pour que nos lecteurs puissent en profiter. Best wishes!
