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The Game of I

The new exhibit at the Musée du Luxembourg, organized by Pascal Bonafoux, is on the theme of the self-portrait in the 20th century: Moi! Autoportraits du XXe siècle (Me! Self-portraits of the 20th century), through July 25. Annick Colonna-Césari has briefly reviewed the show in an article (Têtes de l'art [Art heads], March 29) in L'Express. Of the 540 self-portraits selected for the show, there is a short Jeu du je (Game of I), a set of nine paintings which I had great fun trying to identify. If you want to see more, there are over 150 images in the exhibit's Aperçu des Œuvres. Or you can buy Pascal Bonafoux's book, if you want to see all of the paintings without going all the way to Paris. I particularly like Victor Vasarely's Autoportrait (1945).

For other news coverage of this exhibit, see Éric Biétry-Rivierre, Les mille facettes des miroirs ardents (in Le Figaro, April 2); and Cécile Brisson, <<Moi! Autoportraits>>: les 101 visages de l'art du XXe siècle au musée du Luxembourg (in Le Nouvel Observateur, March 30).

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